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What is MOLD?

Mold are types of fungi. They grow in the natural environment. Tiny particles of mold are found everywhere in indoor and outdoor air. In nature, mold help break down dead materials, and can be found growing on soil, foods, plants and other items. Mold are also very common in buildings and homes. Mold needs moisture to grow. Indoors, mold growth can be found where humidity levels are high, like basements and showers. Mold produce microscopic cells called "spores" that are spread easily through the air. Spores can also be spread by water and insects. Live spores act like seeds, forming new mold colonies when they find the right conditions.
What makes mold grow?
Mold only needs a few things to grow and multiply:

·        Nutrients (food)

·        A suitable place to grow

·        Moisture

How Mold Can Affect My Health And What Mold Removal Products Are Needed To Kill Black Mold?
Mold can affect your health in many ways. Molds produce spores, which are invisible and small enough to travel through the air and into your lungs. How can you also be exposed to mold? Is through skin contact. The most common health problem from mold is allergy symptoms, including: Runny nose, scratchy throat, itchy eyes, sneezing, and in more severe cases death. Wheezing is a serious symptom that may mean asthma, and should be evaluated by a doctor.

Although some mold can produce toxins under certain conditions, research so far has not shown what levels can clearly cause serious health effects from indoor air exposure. If you think you have symptoms related to exposure to mold, you should see your doctor, then call the professionals at the mold removal team to have it tested.
Black Mold:

Black Mold – Stachybotrys is a fungus that has become notorious as a mycotoxin producer that can cause animal and human mycotoxicosis. Indeed, over the past 15 years in North America, evidence has accumulated implicating this fungus as a serious problem in homes and buildings and one of the causes of the “sick building syndrome.”


Chaetomium is perhaps the third most common indoor fungal contaminant of moldy damp buildings. It may be found on wet drywall, wall-paper, carpets, window frames, baseboards and plywood. This species causes many problems of biodeterioration of paper and other cellulose containing material. It is considered a “weed” of mushroom beds.


Penicillium causes food spoilage, colonizes leather objects and is an indicator organism for dampness indoors. Some species are known to produce toxic compounds (mycotoxins). The spores can trigger allergic reactions in individuals sensitive to mould. Therefore, the health of occupants may be adversely affected in an environment that has an amplification of  Penicillium.


Aspergillus is a group of mold, of which about 200 species have been identified. Aspergillus mold are found throughout the world and are the most common type of fungi in the environment. About 16 species of Aspergillus mold are known to be dangerous to humans, causing disease and infections.

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